There are lots of ways to save money on your household costs and be kind to the environment at the same time. You can improve the insulation in your home, buy more energy efficient appliances, and be more mindful of your habits and how they can have an impact on the environment.
One area where improvement is possible that doesn't get talked about very often is the toilets in your home.
Older toilets installed before the early ‘90s consume as much as 7 gallons per flush. That only changed after the introduction of the Federal Energy Policy Act that required American toilets to use no more than 3.5 gallons per flush.
1 - The Low-Flow Toilet Savings Are Significant
Since low-flow toilets use half the amount of water, you can expect to see savings in the vicinity of $100 a year on your water bills.
When low-flow toilets were first introduced, a lot of people put off having them installed in their homes because of reports that they didn't work as well as the older models. Indeed, it was often necessary to flush multiple times. Many improvements have gone into their design and today they're every bit as functional as the less water efficient models were.
2 - Incentives for Making the Switch
Since newer and more ecologically friendly toilets are less taxing on municipal resources, many local city and county water authorities are offering discounts to homeowners who upgrade their toilets. Consult your local water management company to find out if you could be eligible for a rebate.
3 - The Best Water Consumption Rates from Dual Flush Toilets
Low-flow toilets provide very good water economy. But if you're looking for the very best, the choice is clear: dual flush toilets save even more water.
It's estimated that a household with low-flow toilets flushes 8 gallons of water per day per person. That's compared with homes with dual flush toilets that average 4.8 gallons per day per person.
This is achieved by propelling a smaller amount of water into the bowl for the elimination of liquid waste than for solid waste. By pressing the smaller of the two buttons to eliminate liquid matter, a dual flush toilet uses a mere 0.8 gallons. When the larger button is used for solid waste, it flushes 1.6 gallons.
Whether you opt for a low-flow or dual flush toilet, making the switch will have a positive environmental impact, and it’s also good for your wallet. When you're ready to get rid of the outdated toilets in your Orlando area home, call the knowledgeable experts at Shamrock Plumbing & Drain Cleaning at (407) 305-6183.