Benefits of Annual Water Heater Maintenance
Your Orlando water heater is one of your most important home appliances, but it's often one that gets forgotten about until suddenly there's no hot water. Paying better attention to your water heater, in the form of having annual maintenance done, can bring some real benefits.
Improves Energy Efficiency
Having annual maintenance done on your water heater by a certified plumber can improve your energy efficiency. One of the most common issues with water heaters is that sediment can build up in them, especially if you have hot water.
This sediment can clog valves and filters, making it more difficult for your unit to produce hot water and reducing its efficiency. During an annual maintenance visit, a plumber will flush the tank and make sure all the sediment is cleaned out.
Prevents Breakdowns
You might not notice any signs that your Orlando home water heater is about to break down until you suddenly have no hot water one day. Even worse, some breakdowns, such as a corroded tank, can cause the water heater to spew out water and cause an indoor flood.
However, a trained plumber will be able to spot such signs and take care of them before they cause a problem, which is a big benefit of having annual maintenance done on your water heater.
Many problems that could cause your water heater to fail are easily fixed with a maintenance visit, which costs a lot less than repairs or having to replace your unit.
Can Keep Your Unit Lasting Longer
Water heaters already have a reputation for being among the longest-lasting appliances, and with regular maintenance visits, they can last even longer.
A new water heater, along with the installation charge and the plumbing permit, can easily run you $500 or more, which means if you get several additional years out of your unit because of annual maintenance, it almost pays for itself. Performing annual maintenance on your water heater can make it last for 20-25 years or even longer.
Annual water heater maintenance does come with a cost, but it is a cost that can be justified by extended life and better operation of your water heater.
Doing some research on water heater maintenance for your Orlando, FL home? Call Shamrock Plumbing & Drain Cleaning Inc. at (407) 305-6183 today, and get the proper insight on water heater maintenance.